Collect Your Flock!- Goose stickers fly across campus!

By Emmy LoBrutto, January 31, 2024

Collect Your Flock!!!

Poster displaying 6 goose stickers

Goose stickers available now!

The JED Communications Committee have released the geese! Flying around campus are 5 goose stickers available to all. These geese are reminders to us that seeking mental health support is celebrated at IC, and that community improves our wellbeing. You can *Collect Your Flock* at various offices on campus including CAPS, Student Accessibility Services, Student Activity Center, Center for Student Success, and ICare and Student Support (see below for locations). Stickers will also be available at on campus JED events throughout the semester.  

CAPS- Lower level of Hammond Health Center 

SAS- Lower level of Peggy Ryan Williams  

SAC- 3rd level of Campus Center, 325 Egbert Hall  

Center for Student Success- Muller Faculty Center, Suite 106 

ICare and Student Support- 120 Towers Concourse (between East and West Tower) 

The IC JED Campus Mental Health campaign's goal is to spread awareness about mental health challenges and come together in community to support one another. Most people struggle with mental health and we would like to eradicate the stigma that mental health challenges should not be talked about.