Guardians of the Campus: Strengthening Cyber Defenses - An Ed Tech Day Featured Session

By Andrew Hogan, February 20, 2024

Emilyann Fogarty, Chief Information Security Officer at NYSERNet, will lead a discussion titled, "Guardians of the Campus: Strengthening Cyber Defenses" at 12 PM on Thursday, March 21st in the Klingenstein Lounge.

Participants from all campus roles are welcome to engage in this simulated cybersecurity crisis, regardless of IT security knowledge.  This interactive exercise, simulating a phishing attack targeting students and compromising critical campus systems, is designed to explore incident response strategies, communication protocols, and collaborative efforts aimed at mitigating the impact.  Navigating the challenges posed by compromised campus data will be a focal point for participants.

The session aims to elevate awareness and resilience in response to the ever-evolving landscape of cybe threats.  Regardless of your specific campus role, all participants will depart with an understanding of the collaborative and interconnected dynamics inherent in cybersecurity incident response.  This acquired knowledge will fortify a more resilient and proactive defense mechanism against the continuously evolving threats facing educational institutions.  

This session is among the 40+ scheduled presentations for the 30th Educational Technology Day at Ithaca College, taking place on Thursday, March 21st, from 9 am - 3 pm in the Campus Center.  Registration is not necessary for Ithaca College Community members.  For further details, please visit the Ed Tech Day website at

Please watch Intercom for additional announcements about ways in which you can be part of the day, and for details on many of the seminars and other featured events.  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Information Technology and Analytics Ed Tech Day team at  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.