Planning on Teaching a Slow Read in Fall ’24? Thinking About It?

By Robert Sullivan, February 26, 2024

Planning on Teaching a Slow Read in Fall ’24? Thinking About It?

Slow Reads have taken off as a “Low Stakes, High Impact” pedagogy at Ithaca College. This spring six Slow Reads were scheduled and are fully enrolled. Many students and faculty report that these courses return them to their initial academic motivation – learning for the love of learning. This term we’ve had Slow Reads on everything from Classical Chinese texts to Middlemarch to bell hooks’ All About Love. We’d love to see what you’d offer!

If you are planning a Slow Read for Fall 2024, please let me know so that I can publicize it before registration begins. If you’re still thinking, drop me an email. I can walk you through the idea and an expedited process for getting one into the schedule. All faculty, from any department, are invited.

Sound good? Post me.

Bob Sullivan