Join IC MSA and ORSL for a Meaningful Iftar Experience

By Austin Reid, March 14, 2024

The IC Muslim Student Association and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life invite you to three special iftar meals, fostering unity, reflection, and community spirit during the month of Ramadan.

Dates & Venues:

  • Sunday, March 17th at Muller Chapel: Maghrib prayer at 7:15pm; Iftar meal at 7:35pm
  • Sunday, March 24th in Klingenstein Lounge: Maghrib prayer at 7:18pm; Iftar meal at 7:38pm
  • Sunday, March 31st in Clark Lounge: Maghrib prayer at 7:26pm; Iftar meal at 7:46pm

Open to All:
No matter your background or beliefs, everyone is welcome to join us for these joyful evenings of togetherness. Everyone is invited to experience community, delicious food, and the spirit of Ramadan.

Iftar Program Highlights:

- Traditional Iftar meals catered by Marrakech Casablanca
- Engaging Conversations
- Welcoming Atmosphere

Muller Chapel - March 17th
Klingenstein Lounge - March 24th
Clark Lounge - March 31st

Please let us know if you'll be attending by completing the form linked here!

Let's come together to celebrate the spirit of Ramadan as a campus community. We look forward to sharing these memorable moments with you!

Everyone is invited to iftar meals on March 17th, March 24th, and March 31st.

The IC Muslim Student Association and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life invite you to three special iftar meals, fostering unity, reflection, and community spirit during the month of Ramadan.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Austin Reid at or (607) 274-7798. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.