The City of Ithaca Department of Public Works will begin its annual spring street cleaning operations on Monday, April 1, with some streets on South Hill early on the schedule. Residents who park their car on the street should watch for signs and check on their car daily from April 1-29 in order to avoid a costly ticket and towing.
Daily work areas will be posted as “No Parking” 24 hours in advance of the time the work is scheduled to begin. The signs will display the date that the work will begin, and all vehicles must be removed from the street by 7:00 a.m. on that date. The posted signs are intended for the entire block, so please do not think you are safe by parking in between them.
Vehicles remaining in the posted areas will be issued tickets by the Ithaca Police Department and towed from the street at the owner’s expense. The base fee for a tow in the City of Ithaca is $200 and the daily storage fee after the first 24 hours is $50 per day.
Vehicles may return to parking on the streets after the “No Parking” signs are removed by the DPW crew.
The city will utilize Tompkins SIREN to notify residents who are subscribed to the “Street Cleaning” notification list of the streets to be cleaned each day. Reminders will also be posted on the city’s website and social media accounts.
People in need of long-term parking arrangements, can call the City Chamberlain's Office at (607) 274-6580 to inquire about the availability of long-term parking permits in the Seneca Street Parking Garage.
Questions and concerns related to this activity may be addressed by calling the Streets and Facilities Office at (607) 272-1718.