IC Americorps VISTA - Inclusive Sustainability Coordinator Position

By Scott Doyle, April 2, 2024

Now Recruiting for the Ithaca Based 2024-25 Americorps VISTA Inclusive Sustainability Coordinator

Graduating this year and looking for a way to stay in Ithaca and contribute positively to the community? The Ithaca College Office of Energy Management and Sustainability is thrilled to be recruiting for an Americorps VISTA position that would serve as IC’s Inclusive SustainabilityCoordinator beginning June 2024. This first year position will work to strengthen partnerships with both on and off-campus partners involved with food security/donation, recycling/reuse and accessible transportation. This position will work to improve engagement and raise community awareness on local sustainability measures. For more information on the opportunity visit: https://my.americorps.gov/mp/listing/viewListing.do?fromSearch=true&id=121704

Americorps VISTA members work full time and receive health coverage, a monthly stipend, training and education award upon successful completion of the year long program. For more details on Americorps VISTA benefits visit: https://americorps.gov/members-volunteers/vista/benefits

Applications will be reviewed starting April 15th with interviews starting later in April. Position begins June 17, 2024 and runs through June 16, 2025. Contact Scott Doyle, Director of Energy Management & Sustainability at 607-274-3769 or sdoyle@ithaca.edu with any questions. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Scott Doyle at sdoyle@ithaca.edu or 607-274-3769. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.