Admission Team Presents at Professional Conferences

By Nicole Eversley Bradwell, May 28, 2024

I am pleased to share that several members of the admission team will be presenting at professional conferences this summer as they continue to engage with colleagues and professionals around the nation.

NAFSA: Association for of International Educators Conference in New Orleans

“Highs and Lows: The Impact of Student Mobility Shifts on Different Institutional Types”

Abstract: International enrollment management has recently undergone revolutionary change. The Field has experienced epochal shifts in international student mobility, demographics, and decision-making, but different types of institutions have felt the effects of the transformation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is distinct ways. This session explores the impacts of these changes and how they have been distributed unequally.

James Bishop, Cambridge International Education  

Nicole Eversley Bradwell, Ithaca College 

Shawn Felton, Cornell University 

Ryan Hargraves, University of Toronto

New York State Association for College Admission Counseling (NYSACAC) Conference at Molloy University

Lisa Searle, Conference Program Committee Co-chair 

“Leveraging Slate for a Robust Campus Visit Experience”

Abstract: Do you want to make updates to your prospective student visit experience? Are you looking for ideas to enhance the visitor journey with your admissions office? Do you want to explore best practices when working with different student populations in their visit? Join the Director of Enrollment Operations & Strategy and the Associate Director for Visit Experience & Operations at Ithaca College to explore how they have used their Slate instance to support a variety of visit options (both in-person and virtual) and improve the visit experience.

Bri Alderman, Director, Enrollment Operations and Strategy

Lisa Searle, Associate Director for Visit Coordination and Operations, Admission

“Updating the HEOP Process: Student Checklists, Application Workflows, Communications & More!”

Abstract: Learn how one institution leveraged Slate functionality to build an effective HEOP review process. In 2022, Ithaca College revitalized the HEOP process in Slate by creating an in-house financial questionnaire, a custom student checklist, an HEOP specific application workflow, interview and event registration, and a communications plan for students and school counselors. Each year since has improved the complex and high-stakes HEOP admission process. Learn how we worked together to problem-solve, adapted to the current year’s FAFSA challenges, and navigated protecting student information.

Bri Alderman, Director, Enrollment Operations and Strategy

Jessica Kowalewski Dietrich, Senior Associate Director for Recruitment Strategy, Admission

Sihaya Moraleda, Assistant Director, Access, Opportunity, and Achievement