New VoiceThread Update Coming July 1st!

By Tristan Ross, June 27, 2024

New VoiceThread Updates and Info

Dear Faculty,

We are pleased to announce that as of July 1st, 2024,the new VoiceThread will be available. It will bring many enhancements and changes. All your prior content will be available in the new VoiceThread update.

What is VoiceThread?

VoiceThread allows teachers and students to have dynamic conversations anchored in media, such as images, videos, and slideshows. It is used by instructors at Ithaca College for a wide variety of activities, including:

  • Shared class notetaking
  • Detailed image, video, or slide annotation
  • Performance/project presentation and peer review

What is Changing?

VoiceThread’s update features a more accessible and intuitive user interface, as well as some new features like:

  1. Zoom & Pan: Commenting on an image? You can zoom in, move around, and have these actions play back for your audience.
  2. Jump Navigation: Navigate through slides with ease – jump from slide 1 to slide 40 in a single click.
  3. Bulk Comment Management & Additional Options: Manage comments in bulk, add audio descriptions to slides, support multiple closed caption tracks/languages for a single recording, and more.
  4. Enhanced Navigation & Sorting: Easily sort VoiceThreads by the most recently active, view a compact list of all VoiceThreads in the home page sidebar, and more.

Documentation and Support

For more information visit the following article in the IC Knowledge Base: Quick Guide: Using New Voicethread

For a full list of enhancements see New VoiceThread: simpler, more accessible, and more powerfull

If you have any questions or need support with the transition, please feel free to reach out to the Center for Instructional Design and Educational Technology for a consultation.

Thank you for your time - we hope you enjoy the new and improved VoiceThread experience!