Intercom Changes Coming Soon!

By Sandra Ely, July 15, 2024

New Scheduling Feature

Who Does this Affect?
Anyone who creates Intercom posts.

What’s Happening?
Intercom has been updated so you can schedule posts to appear in the next or several email roundups ahead of time.

What’s Changing?
A couple of sections in the Intercom interface will have a new look to accommodate changes that enable posts to be scheduled for inclusion in either the ‘next’ email roundup or in several email roundups. Not only will your scheduling options broaden, but how you save the post will look a bit different as well. Read Our ‘How to Create and Schedule an Intercom Post’ Knowledgebase Article

When Will This Happen?
The change will take place in the next few days.

What Should You Do?
Read our knowledgebase article to learn about the interface change and the slightly new way to set up your posts. Once the change takes place, if you have any issues scheduling your posts, let us know.

How Do You Contact Us?
Please email us with any questions.
Sandra Ely- Director, Web + Digital Strategy
Jennifer King MacKenzie- Director, Marketing Strategy