Office of Student Engagement Staff Presents at Multiple Conferences

By Doreen Hettich-Atkins, July 29, 2024

Mish Lenhart and Jess Shapiro present at multiple conferences

Jess Shapiro spent June 3rd-6th attending the Leadership Trainer Certification Program in Madison, CT.  This 3.5-day engaging, hands-on immersion retreat prepares trainers to facilitate impactful trainings through purposeful identity exploration, deep dives into leadership topics, opportunities for reflective practice, and a community of fellow facilitators.  Jess is now prepared to complete the Certification Exam to become a Certified Master Trainer in the near future.

Jess Shapiro was also selected by NACA (the National Association for Campus Activities) to facilitate their Student Government Institute (SGI) at Marian University in Indianapolis, Indiana June 25th-28th.  This institute brought together over 60 student government leaders and advisors from over 20 institutions across the country to support their leadership and campus governance skills.  Jess led a small group of 10 students in various activities to strengthen their learning and development while also assisting the institute.

Mish Lenhart presented a workshop on stress management and mindfulness practices at the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders in College Park, Maryland on May 30 – June 1. She has also been invited to present at the SUCCESS24 conference hosted by Salisbury University from July 29-31. Her presentation will be a guide to creating an engaging workshop series for students, with a focus on student success topics.

Mish and Jess presented together at the New Your Leadership Engagement Conference at Keuka College on June 13, as well. Their session focused on maximizing the potential for collaborations with local community partners, since Ithaca College’s Office of Student Engagement partners with local businesses, non-profits, museums, historical sites, and other attractions for a variety of student leadership programming throughout the year.

Jess and Mish were excited to represent Ithaca College at each of these events and we appreciate their commitment to providing professional development opportunities for regional and national colleagues. All their sessions have received positive evaluations so far, so their colleagues seem to appreciate what they learned, too!

Miss and Jess at Keuka College

Mish Lenhart and Jess Shapiro in front of Keuka College flag and building

Mish and Jess at Keuka College

Miss and Jess at Keuka College