Middle States Accreditation Update: Self-Study Design Document Accepted

By Jennifer King MacKenzie, August 7, 2024

The Middle StatesSteering Committee is pleased to announce that Ithaca College’s Self-Study Design has been accepted by our Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Vice President Liaison, Dr. Ryan Hartnett. The Self-Study Design is the result of months-long work by the Steering Committee and the more than sixty IC community members serving on the Working Groups. This is a significant milestone in our overall reaccreditation process, as the Self-Study Design will function as the blueprint for the work that will be done in the year ahead (2024-25).

The Self-Study Design identifies the process for selecting the institutional priorities to be evaluated in the Self-Study Report; articulates how the Self-Study Report will address the MSCHE Standards; organizes tasks relevant to the self-study; and serves as a gauge of progress being made by the Steering Committee and Working Groups during the process.

What's Next?

Now that IC’s Self-Study Design has been accepted, the next step in our reaccreditation process is for the Working Groups to carry out their section of the self-study, which first includes gathering and analyzing evidence. In fact, if you are someone who has been identified as a “data guardian” for your area, you may have already been contacted to provide help in building our Middle States evidence inventory.

On the MSCHE side, Ithaca College will now be assigned a Chair for the team who will later visit campus to do an onsite evaluation.

Students, faculty and staff should be watching for additional reaccreditation updates, including opportunities to provide feedback and additional ways to be part of the process.

The Middle States Reaccreditation Process

In March 2023, Ithaca College announced the start of its periodic reaccreditation process with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a regional association that performs peer evaluation and accreditation of public and private universities and colleges in selected regions of the United States. Every eight years, IC is required to submit a Self-Study Report, followed by a campus visit by an MSCHE board of examiners. 

For Questions and More Information

Campus community members with questions about the upcoming Middle States campus visit or the reaccreditation process should visit ithaca.edu/middle-states-reaccreditation or email MiddleStatesTeam@ithaca.edu.