Thinking About A Slow Read For Spring 2025?

By Robert Sullivan, August 30, 2024

Calling All Slow Reads for Spring 2025!

Ithaca College’s unique Slow Read Movement is thriving. This fall six exciting Slow Reads, ranging from Herodotus’ Histories to Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics and bell hooks’ All About Love, are filled to capacity with eager students. Now is the time to think about teaching a Slow Read next spring.

If you are considering a Slow Read for spring, please contact Bob Sullivan ( He can help orient you to what the Slow Reads are and how you might imagine yours. He’ll also help publicize your Slow Read during the registration period. If you don’t think you can put one up next spring Bob will be happy to work with you on plans for another semester.

The Slow Reads have been great for our students and great for our faculty. Try one!