Update Your Student Information with Ithaca College Today!

By Megan Wheeler, August 30, 2024

Do you need to update the following information?


Emergency Contact



LocalPrimaryChosen First NameGender

Permanent or


AlternateLegalPhone Number(s)

Mailing (only needed if different

from Permanent Address)

Other Religious/Spiritual Preference

Billing (only needed if different 

from Permanent Address

  Marital Preference

Finding your current information in HomerConnect:

screenshot of HomerConnect left-side menu

Go to apps.ithaca.edu and select Homer Student Login. When you are in HomerConnect, select "My Personal Information" on your profile page.

Need to update your Name:

screenshot of IC workflow
  • Go to apps.ithaca.edu
  • Select "IC Workflow"
  • Search "name change"
  • Select the "Name Change" form
  • Complete the form
  • Please note that these changes are processed manually and will not be instantaneous

Need to update other information?

IC workflow screenshot
  • Go to apps.ithaca.edu
  • Select "IC Workflow"
  • Search "update"
  • Select the "Update HomerConnect Profile Information" form
  • Select any and all areas you need to update. The form will provide you the opportunity to make all updates at once without having to submit multiple forms. 
  • Complete the form
  • Please note that these changes are processed manually and will not be instantaneous

Have Questions?

Don't hesitate to contact our office!



Or stop by to see us on the 2nd floor of PRW