Does Your Student Org Want Money? Campus Center Programming Can Help!

By Jess Shapiro, September 6, 2024

CCP Grants - Planning an event and need extra funds?  Campus Center Programming is offering grants for student orgs to host events in IC Square!  Apply on IC Engage!

Does your student org want money? Check out IC Engage and fill out the form(s) below to be granted money to host an event in IC Square!

Benefits of working with Campus Center Programming are:

  • FREE money to help you host an event!

  • Advertising your club to the IC community!

  • Increased involvement in your club!

  • A grant of $1000 for weekly events, $500 for biweekly events, or $300 for one-time weekend events!

  • Programming consultations, and

  • An extra fun event for you and your friends!

To host weekly or biweekly events you can click here to apply. The deadline for applications for the fall is Monday, September 30th at 11:59pm.

To host a one-time weekend event you can click here to apply. Please complete this form at least one week before the event date.

Please email with any questions or concerns you may have!  We would be honored to GRANT you money for your IC Square event!

~The Campus Center Programming Team