Ithaca Pride Alliance is recruiting for additional leadership roles!

By Crissi Dalfonzo, September 23, 2024

The Ithaca Pride Alliance is excited to announce that we are expanding our leadership team! We are currently recruiting for advisory board members and committee chairs. See below for the available roles, or open our position Description document for more information. Applications will be accepted until September 30th and will be reviewed as a group after the application window has closed. Top applicants will be invited to meet with board members prior to final decisions in early October.

Application Form

Board Members
Board members are voting members of the advisory board. They are expected to attend board meetings every two weeks and meetings with external groups as their role demands. Full descriptions of each position's responsibilities can be viewed in this document.

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:

  • Historian
  • Secretary
  • Member-At-Large

Committee Chairs

Chairs are non-voting members of the leadership team. They are expected to attend one board meeting a month, lead their respective committee or serve on appropriate committees, produce reports from their committee, and work collaboratively with board members to accomplish organizational goals. Full descriptions of each position's responsibilities can be viewed in this document.

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:

  • Public Relations
  • Accessibility
  • Education
  • Fundraising

Contact or Crissi Dalfonzo with any questions!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Crissi Dalfonzo at or 607-274-7397. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.