Join Us for a Townhall Meeting on Strategic AI Initiatives at Ithaca College

By Casey Kendall, September 20, 2024

Join Us for a Townhall Meeting on Strategic AI Initiatives at Ithaca College

The Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence invites you to a town hall meeting to brainstorm and gather ideas for strategic AI initiatives at Ithaca College. This exciting opportunity is open to all staff, students, and faculty to help shape the future of AI at our institution. 

Event Details: 

 The AI Working Group is responsible for providing recommendations to the President and the President’s Cabinet on how Ithaca College can make use of AI to enhance its operations, services, and student experience while ensuring alignment with our values, mission, and vision. The group will also advise on policy reviews, workplace transformation, and ethical principles for AI use at IC. Please note the working group’s scope does not include AI applications in teaching, learning, or curriculum development. 

 Your participation and insights are invaluable. We encourage you to join us and contribute to this important conversation as we explore the future of AI at Ithaca College. For more information about the Presidential Working Group on AI please see the Intercom announcement.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Presidential Working Group on Artificial Intelligence 

• Priya Sirohi – Assistant Professor, Writing, and Director of the Writing Center, H&S

• Luke Keller – Professor, Physics and Astronomy, H&S

• Yvette Sterbenk – Associate Professor, Strategic Communication, Park School

• April Mazza – Associate Vice President, Advancement

• Julian Fuentes – Social Psychologist and Student Success Coach, Center for Student Success

• Kimberly Lieb – Training and Development Consultant, Employee Relations

• Dave Curry – Director, Center for Career Exploration and Development

• Reginald Briggs – Senior Director, Dining Services

• Omar Stoute – Director of Staff Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

• Marsha Dawson – Dean of Students

• Phuong Ha ’25 – Student, Mathematics and Computer Science, H&S

•Executive Sponsor – Dave Weil on behalf of President Cornish
•Chair – Casey Kendall
•Facilitator / Coordinator – Jenna Lamb
•IT&A Consultative Staff – Jenna Linskens, Rob Snyder, Andy Hogan