TEN New Senators Elected to Student Governance Council!

By Caleb Cackowski, September 25, 2024

Find out what new faces join the SGC Senate this week!

Ithaca College's Student Governance Council has concluded its Fall Elections Cycle! This annual cycle always includes quite a few steps: publicizing open positions at multiple campus events, producing print and online advertisements, gathering interested students' attention for an email list, encouraging the required forms, conducting an information session, guiding platform presentations, hosting prospective Senators as guests at SGC meetings, facilitating a campaign period, and promoting democratic participation in our very own elections. Now, SGC is excited to share that the day is finally here- the votes have been counted, and all those elected have accepted their positions! Ten candidates have now become ten Senators! 

The New Senators:

  • Amelia Grimshaw - Class of 2028 Senator
  • Manan Maini - Class of 2028 Senator
  • Noeline Luyindula - First Generation Senator
  • Giulia Gennari - School of Health Sciences and Human Performance Senator
  • Anabel Pimenta Velloso - Varsity Athlete Senator
  • Dante Conde - Class of 2026 Senator
  • Juno Brooks - Class of 2027 Senator
  • Login Abudalla - Transfer Senator
  • Claude Hayes - Senator At Large
  • Abe Marron - Senator At Large

Join SGC in congratulating these new members of the Senate, who will soon share their goals for the year. For more information on SGC please visit the SGC Website. Thank you for being patient while we update the contact information for each position on this site- in the meantime, to reach out to any senator directly, please contact sgcsenatechair@ithaca.edu. Please direct any any additional questions to this Senate Chair email as well, and look out for a voting breakdown from The Ithacan soon!

To Facilitate New Senator Orientation, there will be no public SGC Meeting on Monday, September 23rd. Please look forward to meeting the new Senators on Monday, September 30th at our usual SGC Meeting time and place (at 7PM in the Taughannock Falls Room of Campus Center) with guest speakers from the Office of Residential Life and the Center for Health Promotion. Reminder: all are welcome to attend our weekly meeting! We can't wait to see you there. 

Have an issue or initiative to bring to SGC? Come to our Community Sessions at the beginning of our weekly open meetings! | Follow @icsgc on Instagram for more SGC Updates and Content including Live Story Posting During Weekly Meetings!

Contact Caleb Cackowski, SGC Vice President of Communications at sgccommunications@ithaca.edu