Attention Juniors: Apply to Join the Senior Week Committee!

By Jess Shapiro, September 26, 2024

IC Senior Week 2024 logo

Logo from Senior Week 2024

Hey Class of 2026!

We are the Senior Week Committee and we are looking for YOU to join us!

Senior Week is the time in between finals and graduation where we plan events for the seniors to spend time with their friends and make memories. As a part of the committee, you will work hand in hand with the senior Co-Chairs in planning the events, reaching out to venues, coordinating with the school, and communicating with the Senior Class!

Now, you may ask "Why Should I Join?" Don't take it from me, read from past Senior Week Committee members:

“Planning Senior Week has been an instrumental piece to my Ithaca College journey, as it has afforded me the opportunity to work with student leaders from across a wide array of interests, schools, majors, and student organizations to come together and work toward the common goal of hosting the most successful Senior Week possible.”

"As a member of the Ithaca College Senior Week Committee, I have had the pleasure of planning and executing a long-lasting Ithaca College tradition and creating long-lasting memories not only for myself, but also for my peers and members of the graduating class before me."

Need more information, here's some FAQ:

What is Senior Week?

Senior Week is an event that happens between finals and May commencement, where Ithaca College celebrates its graduating class. This year it is the 14th-16th of May.

What is the Senior Week Committee?

Senior Week Committee works to create major events during Senior Week for the class of 2025. Each event revolves around allowing seniors to enjoy their last week in Ithaca. The committee uses feedback from past and current seniors to build out a week of events that seniors will enjoy. The junior members also stay on campus and work with volunteers to run Senior Week events.

Use this link to apply:

Anyone interested should apply by Monday, October 7th, 11:59 pm. Any questions should be directed to

~Senior Week Senior Co-Chairs: Ren Kato, Kris Kiyoi, Sophia Maiello, and GD Phoenix