Upcoming Bi-Annual SGC Town Hall: Monday, Nov. 4th - Bring Us Your Issues!!

By Caleb Cackowski, November 4, 2024

The SGC Senate Meeting is Coming to an IC Square Near You!

Student Governance Council would like to invite you to our Bi-Annual Town Hall Meeting! While all of our weekly Senate meetings are open to the community, this meeting especially serves as a space for students to voice their problems, issues, and constructive criticism for the college with the intention of improving the student experience. To do this, we will be meeting in IC Square ("The Pub") in Campus Center on November 4th, 2024 at 7PM. We have also planned an agenda in advance that will extend our community session to accommodate as many student voices as possible!

Additionally, guests at our town hall will get to hear from Guest Speakers Jason Starkman ('22) and Sam Edelstein ('22), two Ithaca alumni who have been leading a startup, Poliquicks, in creating a civic education app focused on non-partisan political transparency for the past year and a half. Learn more about their journey, the lessons they have learned, and the importance of civic engagement and understanding at Town Hall Meeting.

Wait, What's SGC? / We Have That?

SGC is Ithaca College’s sole student governing body, and we meet every week as a Senate and an Executive Board in order to listen, inform, and aid all students however we can! Many Student Councils in different settings focus on programming - while we do not take the role of an activities board (but do plan SGC outreach events such as this Town Hall), all OSE-recognized student organizations that get funding for programming are appropriated this funding through an SGC committee. In SGC we focus on discussion and policy that improves the IC experience. One way of doing this is through our power to create legislation that has weight on campus. We also are the go-between for all students and the Senior Leadership Team, who meet with us regularly to gauge student opinions or listen to our questions and recommendations. Students of every school and class year and a variety of identities are represented by their own Senators- check them out here! SGC also serves as one branch of Ithaca College's Tri-Council, and our Ex-Officio Members from other IC Councils keep us in touch across campus as well.

Therefore, we invite you (and all your friends) to come to us with questions or concerns regarding funding, campus life, the student experience– anything- and we will get you connected with one of our many Senators who are dedicated to helping you out! 

Check the SGC website for more info on our org!

Don't Miss the SGC Town Hall, November 4th at 7PM in IC Square!

We can't wait to see you there! For questions or accommodations please contact sgcsenatechair@ithaca.edu as soon as possible. 

Follow @icsgc on Instagram for more SGC Updates and Content including Live Story Posting During Weekly Meetings!

Contact Caleb Cackowski, SGC Vice President of Communications at sgccommunications@ithaca.edu.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nicole Sutera at sgcsenatechair@ithaca.edu or 609-610-4133. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.