Call for Spring 2025 Leadership Workshops!

By Mish Lenhart, December 11, 2024

You can present in the IC Student Leadership Institute!

The Student Leadership Institute (SLI) is a series of interactive workshops designed to help students develop and refine personal leadership skills. The SLI is open to all IC students, there is no cost to participate, and students choose to take part in a series of sessions to earn a certificate - or attend any individual sessions they would like! 

Students register for SLI workshops on IC Engage, and workshops are posted by block (I&II in fall and III&!V in spring). There are currently almost 1000 students who participate in the SLI and over 100 workshops offered each semester! 

SLI paths for certification logos

SLI workshops are offered in one of these four paths, so there are a wide variety of leadership topics to choose from! 

If you have a topic that you think students would be interested in, and it can be part of an interactive, 45-60 minute workshop, you can submit a proposal to present your idea! Proposals for presentations during Block III are due on January 10. Click here to learn more and check out the proposal form! 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact SLI Team in the Office of Student Engagement at or 607-274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.