Building a Successful Finish to the Fall 2024 Semester

By Dan DeCaria, December 13, 2024

Dear Ithaca College Students,

It is hard to believe, but the finish line of the Fall 2024 semester is in sight and only a few days remain before we get to enjoy our much-anticipated Winter Break. The conclusion of the fall term is both an exciting and anxious time for many of us, as we reach the culmination of all the hard work you have dedicated throughout the course of the semester. It is also a time of celebration as we come together as a community to recognize all that we have accomplished over the past four months.

End-of-semester activities and celebrations are an integral part of the college experience; however, let me stress that how you approach the coming days will have a crucial impact in finishing the semester on a high note. I urge you to prioritize actions and behaviors that support your mental and physical well-being so that we can put forth our very best effort to sprint through the finish line of academic coursework and final exams. 

I would like to begin by highlighting some Ithaca College sponsored events to celebrate the conclusion of the Fall 2024 semester.

Stop & Breathe Self-Care Corner – Saturday, December 7 
Take a break from your final course work and exam studies to join members of Ithaca College’s Mental Health Flock for the Stop & Breathe Self-Care Corner on Saturday, December 7, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the IC Square . Activities will include both video and board games, make your own crafts, karaoke, chair massages, and free refreshments to help de-stress and recharge in advance of finals week. Visit this link to sign up for your free chair massage.

You can learn more on IC Engage.

Jingle Jangle Jubilee – Saturday, December 14 
Join the Office of Student Engagement and the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management for our second-annual Jingle Jangle Jubilee on Saturday, December 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in IC Square . This merry celebration to close out the Fall 2024 semester is free and open to all IC students.

There will be many festive activities and refreshments to celebrate the occasion, including a hot cocoa bar, cookies and other sweet treats, help us build our IC community gingerbread village, make your own holiday fleece pillow, other games and activities, and our much-anticipated ugly sweater competition! Be sure to wear your gaudiest ugly sweater for a chance to win some prizes and take home the recognition of IC’s ugliest sweater.

Lear more about this event on IC Engage.

IC Community Brunch – Saturday, December 14 
Ithaca College Dining Services will be hosting its annual IC Community Brunch to commemorate the finish of the semester on Saturday, December 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Dining Hall . This event is free and open to all IC students , regardless of if you have an existing IC meal plan or not, with presentation of your Ithaca College ID.

Be sure to stop by for a delicious brunch to help you fuel up for your final exam studies.

Other Reminders for the Final Days of the Semester 
I would also like to take a moment to highlight some additional reminders for the coming days. 

Be Good Neighbors and Good Friends 
I ask our students to please be respectful and responsible in interactions you may have with each other and our wider South Hill and greater Ithaca communities. This is especially true if you are planning to attend or host unsanctioned end-of-semester social gatherings occurring both on- and off-campus.

Please pay special attention to abiding by all laws and local noise ordinances and take responsibility in respecting the people and property in our shared Ithaca community.

Please look out for one another and be willing to make positive interventions if encountering a situation where a friend or fellow student needs aid. I encourage you to check out this page to learn more about Ithaca College’s Medical Amnesty Policy (MAP) intended to encourage students to seek medical assistance during alcohol, cannabis and other substance emergencies. Students encountering an emergency situation on campus should always contact Ithaca College’s Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management at 607-274-3333 to receive further support. When off campus, call 9-1-1 to report an emergency.

Maintaining Your Physical Health 
As we enter deeper into the late-fall and early-winter cold season, the prevalence of viruses and other communicable illnesses pose an increased risk to our IC community’s collective health. Maintaining your health during this crucial moment of the semester is important to ensure you are able to give your best effort to your course work and exams over the semester’s final days. Please practice good public health actions and behaviors, including:

  • If you are feeling unwell, please make the choice to refrain from attending social gatherings where you could potentially spread viruses and other communicable illnesses to others.
  • Please be sure to wash hands frequently, especially if you have come in contact with commonly touched surfaces.
  • Please do not share cups or eating utensils unless they have been washed and sterilized first.
  • If spending extended time outdoors, remember to dress appropriately and be mindful of your body’s interaction with cold temperatures. Be sure to wear layers, cover outer extremities, and limit prolonged exposure to cold temperatures to reduce your risk of frostbite and hypothermia. Also be mindful of the impacts of alcohol and other drugs and how they can increase risk with prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

Resources to Support Your Mental Well-Being 
The conclusion of the semester can be a stressful and anxious time. I encourage you to take some time over the coming days to prioritize your mental health to help you navigate the various academic and personal challenges you may encounter. Ithaca College offers a variety of resources to provide support including:

  • The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a variety of services to help support your mental health. The Center offers its Let’s Talk service every Tuesday-Friday from 12:00-2:00 p.m., providing both in-person and virtual drop-in confidential consultations with a CAPS counselor. You can learn more about Let’s Talk and other services on the CAPS website.
  • If you or a friend or classmate are showing signs of distress and may benefit from additional support, consider submitting an ICare Referral Form. Managed by the Office for ICare and Student Support, the form will connect students with a member of our ICare team who can help guide students to the right resources and services available at IC to support their needs.
  • If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to download the Wysa phone application. The premium version of Wysa is available, free of charge, to all members of our IC community and offers a multitude of tools and programs to help manage your health and wellness.

In conclusion, I would like to share my encouragement for a strong finish to the year. I wish you the very best during the upcoming week of final exams and extend my sincere hope that you enjoy a very well-deserved and restorative Winter Break!

Warm Regards,

Dr. B
Stanley A. Bazile, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life