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Healthy Minds Survey

Ithaca College, in collaboration with the University of Michigan and the JED Campus Initiative, conducted the nationally normed Healthy Minds Study survey during Spring semester 2021 and, again, in Fall semester 2024. The survey asks students to honestly convey their experiences of mental wellness support at IC, to identify aspirations and areas for community change, and to discuss how the College experience is impacting them emotionally.  Administering the survey twice, during our active collaboration with JED, allowed us to measure the impact of our community efforts to raise awareness of mental health needs and resources on campus as well as track the impact of the intervention trainings being conducted with faculty, staff, and students. 

We will continue to utilize the information students provided to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against similar institutions, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, advocate for resources, and develop new initiatives that will better support our students. Going forward, we will continue to use data from the American College Health Association (ACHA) annual surveys to further these goals. 

file-outline Spring 2021 Healthy Minds Survey Results - HMS_IthacaCollege 2021 (pdf)
file-outline Fall 2024 Healthy Minds Survey Results - ithaca-college-2024-hms-report (pdf)