Taking a Leave of Absence or Withdrawing from Ithaca College

Ithaca faculty and staff are committed to supporting students! The college offers many ways to support academic success, personal wellbeing and future professional goals.  However, there may be instances in which it is in a student's best interest to spend some time away from the college.

Accordingly, students may pursue taking a leave of absence (LOA) from Ithaca College for personal, medical or emergency reasons. A student may also consider withdrawing from the college if they do not plan to return to Ithaca College.  Students who wish to explore the steps related to a personal, medical, emergency leave or withdrawal should click on the link below to begin the process: https://student.ithaca.edu/register/loaw-student-init

Leave of Absence & Withdraw Information

Important Deadlines for Applications

For current semester leaves and withdrawals, applications must be submitted before the last day of classes. This applies to all types of Leave of Absence and Withdrawal.

Please refer to the academic calendar for important information regarding grading deadlines and last day of classes.

Student Support Services
The college offers many ways to support academic success, personal wellbeing and future professional goals.
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