All-College Gathering Opens With Gratitude

By Danica Fisher ’05, February 4, 2022
Updates from across many units at the college.

On Tuesday, Feb. 1, Ithaca College held its regular semester-opening All-College Gathering in Emerson Suites and virtually. Administrators provided students, faculty, and staff with updates in 8 key areas of the college. 

The gathering started with remarks from Interim President La Jerne Terry Cornish, who took the opportunity to first thank the entire college community for its hard work in returning students to campus for the spring semester before introducing the main portion of the program. 

“I hope the presentations demonstrate the incredible amount of work we have done as a community to move this institution forward and to advance our strategic plan,” said Cornish. “We have accomplished a great deal since the beginning of this academic year. I am incredibly inspired by and incredibly grateful for your effort in realizing this progress.” 

Samm Swarts, assistant director of emergency preparedness and response, gave a public health update, touting a successful return to campus this spring. 

“I am pleased to report that we had only 18 positive COVID-19 cases within our student body, so our students should absolutely be applauded for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to public health,” said Swarts. 

“I am pleased to report that we had only 18 positive COVID-19 cases within our student body, so our students should absolutely be applauded for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to public health.” 

Samm Swarts, assistant director of emergency preparedness and response.

Melanie Stein, interim provost, then spoke on some current initiatives in her area including the announcement of the new School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, the physician assistant program, the new opera direction certificate, the current dean searches, and the streamlining of the curriculum. Stein said that the streamlining of the curriculum would increase flexibility, support intellectual exploration and cross-disciplinary engagement for IC’s students, and align the curriculum with resources for the institution. 

Laurie Koehler, vice president for marketing and enrollment strategy, focused on strategic efforts including dynamic and transparent financial aid packages, an integrated marketing communications team and plan, as well as innovative approaches to yield admitted students. 

“There is no better time than February to share your love--sorry, I couldn't get out of here without a Valentine’s reference--whether it's our basketball teams, your favorite professor, the good deeds of your colleagues, or the students you are mentoring on a research project, please put your favorite examples out into the world through your social networks,” said Koehler. “On the days when families are here, please get out there, say hello, thank them for visiting, encourage them to come. Help us recruit the next class of Bombers.” 

The update on IC’s financial health was next, given by Tim Downs, CFO and vice president for finance and administration. He pointed out that while the college is still running a budget deficit, the numbers are slightly better than predicted. This deficit was brought about in large part by the COVID pandemic and losing over $40 million in room and board revenue when students were forced to return home in the spring of 2020 and remote instruction took place that fall. 

“While we are beginning to put COVID in our rearview mirror, we are beginning to see COVID start to be behind us,” said Downs. “We do know that it is going to live with us for a couple more years. Those enrollment years where students were deciding whether they would come to college or defer, or wait and see what happens, that stays with us for four years.” 

The Student Affairs and Campus Life update was given by Bonnie Prunty, dean of students, who introduced a new self-care tool for stress management, anxiety, and depression, Sanvello. The premium version of the Sanvello app will be available for all students, faculty, and staff at IC to use by creating an account with their Netpass credentials. Prunty also gave updates on the JED Campus initiatives and the Wellness Leadership Council

“As we have prioritized health and safety, we must also prioritize the college’s ability to build and sustain our community."

La Jerne Terry Cornish, interim president.

Hayley Harris, vice president for human resources and planning, then gave a brief update on the implementation of the HR Business Partner model, through which a single HR representative is assigned to each college department.  This helps ensure access to an HR expert who is familiar with all aspects of the unit’s business needs and personnel.  Harris also touched on the introduction of Awardco, a comprehensive, strategic reward and recognition program for all employees. 

Wendy Kobler, vice president for philanthropy and engagement, announced that in FY22 so far the division has raised $795,000 towards their annual fund goal of $800,000, a $1M gift was given to the new PA program, and an all-alumni survey was distributed in January which has garnered over 2,200 replies. Kobler also mentioned activities for the coming year including IC Giving Day, with a goal of $2M, and planning underway for IC in the City: Reunions and Cortaca 2022

Lastly, David Weil, chief information officer, gave an update on the college’s successful transition to the new learning management system, Canvas, as well as the establishment of two new information technology-related advisory councils--one for faculty and one for students--to help advise IT on future strategic directions and new applications.  

Cornish closed the gathering by thanking everyone for being ambassadors of the college. 

“As we have prioritized health and safety, we must also prioritize the college’s ability to build and sustain our community,” said Cornish. “As vice president Koehler shared, we have many efforts afoot to boost our recruitment and retention. In advance, I want to thank you for being an ambassador of our college and the work that you do professionally and personally to reflect our quality as a college, and as a community to potential members of our IC family.” 

All-College Gathering