Dear Ithaca College Community,
Today marks a milestone on a journey that began three years ago when this community started building our strategic plan, Ithaca Forever. Nine institutional goals comprise this plan, one of which is to “determine and maintain an appropriate and sustainable size for our programs and structures, and the associated resources, at every level of the institution.”
While the college has worked toward realizing this goal within our nonacademic programs and departments over the past two years, this year, the Academic Program Prioritization Implementation Committee (APPIC) began a process to develop recommendations to align the size of the faculty in right proportion to the size of the student body and our academic programs in right proportion to student interest and need. In their work, the APPIC relied on guiding principles established and finalized by an Ithaca Forever action group during academic year 2019-20.
We activated the Academic Program Prioritization process this year — one year earlier than planned — due to the urgency of the impact of the COVID pandemic on this institution. To be clear, COVID did not create the need for this work; it served as the catalyst to begin it ahead of schedule.
Last Wednesday, February 17, we received the final “Shape of the College” report from the APPIC, outlining the committee’s recommended changes to our academic affairs division.