As students, we acknowledge that the Spring 2021 semester at Ithaca College will look a bit different. Residence halls have been adjusted to reduce student density, we are required to wear face coverings at all times (except in our rooms), and we can no longer visit friends for movie nights. However, this does not mean that we have to miss out on our college experience. For example, Resident Assistants have undergone extensive training to prepare weekly events and activities, so that there will be opportunities to learn and interact with friends and floormates. Ithaca College is made up of a community of people who think creatively and are able to rise to the occasion, even amidst a global pandemic.
Understanding that we are returning to a different situation on campus, we are grateful to be back on South Hill with the opportunity to learn remotely, in a hybrid format, and even face-to-face. We are able to hang out with friends, as long as we remain vigilant and abide by Ithaca College’s COVID 19 Health and Safety Guidelines including wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, and washing our hands for at least 20 seconds.
One of the many reasons to love spring, especially during the pandemic, is that we don’t need to be confined to our dorms and apartments for too long. You’re at lower risk for coronavirus transmission outdoors, so, while we will still abide by health and safety guidelines, the spring will allow us to be outdoors taking part in fun activities.