Commencement Speaker Tells Ithaca College Graduates They Have ‘A Mighty Calling’

By Rachael Powles '22, May 19, 2024
Ad exec Jason DeLand '98 offers congratulations and a challenge.

Speaking more than a quarter century after his own Ithaca College graduation, Jason DeLand acknowledged to the Class of 2024 how the world has changed since he crossed the stage in 1998, reminding graduates that they now hold the power to shape the future for all.

“Some see a place of conflict, division, strife, and struggle,” DeLand said. “Others know it as the most advanced, the most blessed, the most capable world in human history. Whatever view you try on, one thing is certain. Your generation, you in the seats here today, are being called on right now. And you have a mighty calling! It is you who will build the businesses, raise the families, create the ideas, do the work that will define your time. It is you who will solve the problems we humans face today and win the opportunities of tomorrow.”

DeLand was the featured speaker for Ithaca College’s 129th Commencement ceremony, held on Sunday, May 19, in the Athletics & Events Center on campus. For the more than 900 students who heard their names called in front of their families and other loved ones, it was a well-earned celebration, coming after a college career defined by a spirit of resilience.

Co-founder of the advertising agency Anomaly, best known for its work on iconic Super Bowl ads for Budweiser, Deland reminisced about his time at IC, where he says he learned the values and skills that took him from a small rural community to the top of the advertising industry.

In a gesture that would have been impossible just four years ago at the height of the pandemic, DeLand encouraged the graduates on the floor of the arena to put their arms around their neighbors, noting that they may not have the chance to do so again once they all go their separate ways after this day. He reminded the graduates to make the most of the time they have to the fullest.

“Do the right thing. Fill your mind, body, and soul with good, healthy things that love you back. Seek learning every day. Listen and observe before you speak and act. Work your asses off. Be decent, informed, aware, empathetic citizens. And most importantly, don’t ever give up.”

Jason DeLand '98

“Do the right thing,” said DeLand. “Fill your mind, body, and soul with good, healthy things that love you back. Seek learning every day. Listen and observe before you speak and act. Work your asses off. Be decent, informed, aware, empathetic citizens. And most importantly, don’t ever give up.”

Graduate Hooding and Commencement Held May 18

Saturday celebrated master’s and doctoral degree candidates.


Ithaca College Board of Trustees incoming chair John Neeson ’84 reminded students that IC will always be part of them. (Photo by Simon Wheeler)

Incoming chair of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees John Neeson ’84 welcomed the audience to the ceremony, reminding the Class of 2024 that while their time on South Hill may be coming to a close, they will carry the experiences they’ve had at IC for a lifetime.

“I encourage you all to lean in today and soak in the moment,” he said. “Have confidence that your time here at IC has prepared you for the journey that lies ahead. Ithaca will always be a second home for you, a place that will forever hold a special spot in your minds and in your hearts.”

Noting that he and his 1984 classmates had previously established an endowed scholarship fund to help future students achieve their dream of an Ithaca College education, Neeson took the opportunity to announce a new Class of 2024 Endowed Scholarship Fund, to help provide new generations of IC students with financial support to pursue their education.

In her remarks to the graduates, President La Jerne Terry Cornish acknowledged the fact that many members of this class had their high school graduations cut short, moved online, or socially distanced. Cornish recognized the determination needed for these graduates to pursue higher education during a pandemic, which required their college careers to begin first from home before continuing in person.

“The very fact that you are sitting here today is proof of your resilience. You have served as models for our community by demonstrating compassion, grace, and persistence. You have endured much and you have excelled greatly. You have places to get to, and we cannot wait to see where you go next.”

President La Jerne Terry Cornish

“The challenges you have overcome were unimaginable to the alumni who came before you,” she said. “But to all of you, the very fact that you are sitting here today is proof of your resilience. You have served as models for our community by demonstrating compassion, grace, and persistence. You have endured much and you have excelled greatly. You have places to get to, and we cannot wait to see where you go next.”

As per Ithaca College tradition, the graduates were each given a medallion engraved with an inspirational quote. This year’s, from poet Amanda Gorman, reads: “For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to SEE it, if only we’re brave enough to BE it.”

Cornish drew on this theme in her remarks to the students.

“Before you go forth into the world, remember that you are not just graduating from here, you are launching from here,” she said. “Wherever you go, please think of us often and know we will leave a light on for you.”

“Here at Ithaca College, I became me. I’m a storyteller, and I hope I’ve told our story today. I hope you keep writing your story and never let anyone tell it for you. I can’t wait to see where the story goes next.”

Mikayla Tolliver '24

Next up to the podium was graduating senior Mikayla Tolliver, a writing major who had been selected to represent the Class of 2024. Rather than be defined by the setbacks they’ve endured, Tolliver called on her classmates to write their own stories of success as they move on from IC.

Student speaker

Student speaker Mikayla Tolliver '24 credited IC with helping her become herself and urged her classmates to continue to write their own stories. (Photo by Chris Kitchen)

“Hold onto that thing that sparks your passion, and brings fire and joy within,” she said. “Think of what that is. That is what will bring you to tomorrow. Here at Ithaca College, I became me. I’m a storyteller, and I hope I’ve told our story today. I hope you keep writing your story and never let anyone tell it for you. I can’t wait to see where the story goes next.”

Cornish awarded the Ithaca College Presidential Medal to longtime youth advocate Nick Moore ’80, in recognition of his commitment to service and sustainability and his embodiment of the values of Ithaca College.

The deans of Ithaca College’s five schools then stepped forward to present their students. With this, the graduates lined up to cross the stage and receive their diplomas, along with the customary fist bump from President Cornish.

“Have confidence that your time here at IC has prepared you for the journey that lies ahead. Ithaca will always be a second home for you, a place that will forever hold a special spot in your minds and in your hearts.”

John Neeson ’84

Rob Engelsman ’11, vice president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, was appropriately the final speaker, officially acknowledging the graduates as alumni.

“Today you begin your next chapter with a honed sense of curiosity that empowers you to ask the right questions in a world that’s moving faster than ever,” he said. “No matter where you go from here, I encourage you to hold onto that inquisitiveness with everything you’ve got, because you are entering the next phase of your lives in a global moment that requires smart questions and even smarter answers.”

Cornish concluded the ceremony with the magic words all graduates were waiting to hear: “By the authority vested in me by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees and the New York State Board of Regents, I hereby confer upon each of you the degree for which you been recommended by the faculty, with all the rights, privileges, and honors pertaining thereto.”

And with the ceremonial moving of the tassels on their caps from the right to the left and a blast of confetti, the Class of 2024 was officially graduated from Ithaca College. As they headed out of the arena and into the bright sunlight, the new alums expressed their excitement for all the future held.

“This is a great feeling, especially after losing our high school graduation in 2020,” said Aubren Villasenor. “From the moment I first came to Ithaca, I knew I’d made the right choice about my future. I feel that more than ever today, and I’m just so happy.”

April Morales summed up the spirit of Commencement. “It hasn’t really sunk in yet, but I already know this is one of the proudest moments of my life.”