Ithaca College is set to officially welcome a new member of the IC family on Monday, August 16, when Shadayvia Wallace begins her role as the program director for the MLK Scholar and First-Generation programs. This announcement comes following an extensive search process, led by Hierald Osorto, executive director of student equity and belonging.
“Ithaca College is at a crossroads and needs forward-thinking leaders who hold together what once was and the possibility of what still lies ahead,” Osorto said. “Ms. Wallace is such a leader. She understands what it means to have our students at the center and with an eye towards our broader community partnerships and alumni. We are indebted to the vision that Dr. Roger Richardson, Dr. Tanya Saunders, and Malinda Smith had for establishing the MLK Scholar Program. I also want to recognize the Office of New Student and Transitions Programs, in particular Lia Munoz, who laid the foundation for what is now a thriving First-Gen program. Finally, I would be remiss not to recognize the legacy of countless alumni who have shaped these programs.”
Wallace is the inaugural director in this position dedicated to oversee programming for both the MLK Scholars and First-Generation students. This newly formed position will serve to further support Ithaca’s ongoing commitment and vision as an institutional leader in diversity, equity and inclusion. Wallace’s visionary leadership will further enhance opportunities and experiences for students in the MLK Scholar Program and who identify as first-generation college students.