The semester before graduating can be challenging for many students, as they navigate finishing their coursework and job hunting.
That’s not the case, however, for the 13 students currently enrolled in the college’s master of accounting degree program. Every student enrolled in the one-year program has lined up a postgraduation job in the field, with placements ranging from smaller, regional firms to the “Big Four” firms of Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
“I’m so proud of these students,” said Margaret Shackell, associate professor of accounting and business law and director of the graduate program. “This is definitely rare, but the program sets our students up for success. I’m pretty good at nagging them to update their resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and to apply for jobs. And in the Center for Career Exploration and Development, [career engagement specialist] Johnathan Chalmers has programs that help as well.”
The breadth of the types of firms where the students have secured jobs speaks to the program’s ability to match a firm to a student’s needs and wants.
“Every student had their own place they wanted to land,” Shackell said. “I had meetings with everyone who was looking for a job and spoke to them about what they wanted.”