Dear Ithaca College Community,
As the nation prepares to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, I ask you to pause tomorrow to remember this day and honor the people who died in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania. As in years past, the Dillingham fountains will be lowered on Saturday in recognition of the lives lost.
The events of September 11, 2001, changed this country forever—and changed the lives of many within our IC family in direct and substantive ways. I want us to honor, specifically, the six members of the Ithaca College community who lost their lives as a result of these attacks. A Peace Pole bearing their names, located near the Muller Chapel pond, was dedicated on the first anniversary of 9/11.
At some point on Saturday or over the weekend, please visit the Peace Pole and the fountains. May our remembrance of the 9/11 attacks acknowledge the magnitude of our loss as a nation. May we also be reminded of the solace and comfort we find in our connections to one another as we work together to consciously and intentionally push for a better world.
In peace,
La Jerne Terry Cornish
Interim President
September 11 Moment of Remembrance
By Interim President La Jerne Terry Cornish, September 10, 2021
A message from interim president La Jerne Terry Cornish.

The Peace Pole located near Muller Chapel pond. (Photo credit: Dave Maley)