Students Make Waves at the 2022 Fountain Fest

By Xan Hopkins '24, September 8, 2022
The iconic event rounded out First Bomber Weekend.

A bit of rain couldn’t ruin last weekend’s Fountain Fest, the iconic closing to Ithaca College’s First Bomber Weekend.On Saturday, September 4, dozens of first-year students walked to the college’s fountains at Dillingham Center, where they were able to play their part in filling the fountains by pouring in a cup of water.

“This is a good way to feel part of the community,” said Leticia Oliveira ’24 after emptying her cup. “It looks like a normal thing to do, but it really fills my heart.”

It was a fitting conclusion to the decade-long tradition of First Bomber Weekend, an event put on by  the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life and the Office of Residential Life aimed at ensuring that new and returning students feel welcomed on South Hill.

This year’s event was led by Ron Trunzo, associate director of residential life, and Eileen Roth, assistant director of residential education and assessment.

“Filling the fountains is somewhat symbolic of the start of their career. During senior week, these same students will come and jump in the fountains. So, in a way, their Ithaca College career starts and ends at the same place. It’s about making your mark.”

Ron Trunzo, associate director of residential life

One of the things that makes the tradition of the First Bomber Weekend so important to the campus community, Roth said, is that some students may find it difficult to make connections during the first few weeks of college, and dedicated events provide students with a space and opportunity to make those connections.

“It helps students to feel comfortable, to develop a sense of belonging and a sense of pride in the institution,” Trunzo added. “And [filling the fountains] is somewhat symbolic of the start of their career. During senior week, these same students will come and jump in the fountains. So, in a way, their Ithaca College career starts and ends at the same place. It’s about making your mark.”

Though the night concluded at the fountains, that wasn’t the only activity for the evening. Two of IC’s a cappella groups, Ithacappella and Premium Blend, held performances, there was breakdancing courtesy of the Ground-Up Crew, and laughs were provided by a member of the IC Comedy Club.

These performances would not have been possible without the passion and dedication of Gabriela Cohen ’23. A Television-Radio major, Cohen led the charge on the documentation and coordination of the whole First Bomber Weekend as part of an internship requirement for her Live Event Design and Management minor.

“My experiences have been phenomenal, and I have been able to put into practice so much of what I have learned in the classroom. It really is a great example of IC’s educational philosophy —  theory, practice, and performance — in action.”

Gabriela Cohen ’23

She joined the First Bomber Weekend Committee last year out of the desire to help coordinate a major event, and her passion for the project was only solidified this year.

“My experiences have been phenomenal, and I have been able to put into practice so much of what I have learned in the classroom,” she says. “It really is a great example of IC’s educational philosophy —  theory, practice, and performance — in action.”

Overall, there were nearly a dozen events during First Bomber Weekend, providing, according to Roth, “something for everybody.”

Events such as the tie-dye and ice cream social on the quads and trips to the local farmers market drew hundreds of students.

“Orientation’s over and it’s the second week of classes, and I think it’s cool that Ithaca is still having events to keep us engaged,” said Molly Heichel ’26. “It’s something to look forward to.”