On September 10, students in Jessica Valdez Taves’ gerontics course joined residents of the Longview Senior Living Community to take part in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s. This year, the students — many of whom have a personal connection to the cause — raised money, worked on community education, and walked alongside Longview residents. Together, they raised more than $18,000, which made them the top fundraising team for an event that brought in more than $56,000
Ithaca College has had a longstanding partnership with Longview. Since 2008, Valdez Taves, who is an assistant professor of Occupational Therapy, and the students in her courses, have been involved with the walk in various capacities.
In addition to the money raised, a critical part of the work is what Valdez Taves called an “edu-raise,” where students find creative and effective ways to educate the community on Alzheimer’s. This year, the group is creating social media posts on how occupational therapy supports aging adults who have cognitive limitations.