A Time to Reflect and Pray in Support of our Muslim Community

By IC News staff, March 18, 2019
A message from President Shirley M. Collado

Dear Campus Community,

Once again, we have been horrified and devastated by murderous attacks on people of faith in their houses of worship. The news from Christchurch, New Zealand, of the 50 people killed on Friday, March 15, has left the world shocked and hurt, our outrage compounded by the sickening posts on social media. Today, as I write this, the details of another attack are unfolding in the Netherlands, which at this time also appears to be an act of terrorism.

This moment demands that we, as a community, powerfully step forward to offer support to one another, not only our friends, neighbors, colleagues, but people we may have never met before, individuals who may be of different backgrounds, faiths, and belief systems. We must embrace our shared humanity, and we must continue to reject, clearly and unequivocally, targeted violence based on the identities of human beings.

Please join me tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, at 4:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel for a gathering of reflection and prayer in support of our Muslim community on this campus, in our area, and around the world. There is also a vigil being held at Cornell University’s Ho Plaza today at 5:00 p.m. Any students needing transportation to Cornell’s campus should contact Hierald Osorto, our director of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, at hosorto@ithaca.edu.

During painful times like these, please know that you can seek support and resources from the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and our Center for Counseling and Psychological Services.

I take great comfort in the compassion of the Ithaca College community, and I hope to see you tomorrow to support one another in our grief and sorrow, and to celebrate our strength of spirit and determination to overcome.

In solidarity,

Shirley M. Collado
