
Learn how to advocate for yourself in the workplace and develop powerful networking tools during the upcoming workshop and alumnae networking event "Making Professional Connections Through Storytelling." This event is held in support of the Women Leaders Series.

You may have heard about the power of storytelling, and its ability to facilitate relatability, connection, and learning. It’s an invaluable tool in educational and social settings, but what about the professional world? Come to this interactive session to learn storytelling strategies you can use to make genuine connections and powerful impressions with networking contacts and prospective employers. We will also explore the roles of emotional intelligence, authenticity, and advocacy within the professional storytelling context.

The Women's Equity Affinity Community coordinated by Career Services welcomes Career and Life Coach, Caryanne Keenan (linkedin.com/in/caryanne/), for this dynamic presentation that will inspire, educate, and empower you. Immediately following the presentation we will be hosting a reception with local Ithaca College alumnae and our guest speaker, where you can apply strategies learned at the session and make valuable connections with this important network.

Registration is required for this event.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cheryl Boyer at cboyer@ithaca.edu (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Career Services