
Ithaca College’s 29th annual Educational Technology Day will take place on Thursday, March 21, from 9 am – 3 pm in the Ithaca College Campus Center. Ed Tech Day is a free regional technology event that attracts over 1,600 people and was recently highlighted by USA Today as a reason why they named Ithaca as one of the most innovative cities in the nation. Stop by to talk to over 60 nationally and regionally known companies in the vendor showcase area or attend one of the over 50 different sessions and demonstrations given by technology leaders in their field. New this year is Immersive Court where attendees can experience first-hand the wonders of Virtual Reality, Gamin’ Ride which has been described as the ‘ultimate video game experience’ and a technology focused ‘Career and Internship Expo’ that will allow individuals to directly connect with companies looking to hire individuals with an interest in technology. Multiple giveaways including a Dell Chromebook will be held for individuals attending the event. Check out www.ithaca.edu/edtechday for more information.

Ithaca College Campus Center