
As part of Staff Council's IC Spirit Month, IC Library is offering a workshop to create written memories of living, working, teaching and learning during the pandemic. After writing, participants can deposit their piece in the library’s COVID-19 History Archive. The purpose of this Archive is to gather personal stories about how the pandemic affected members of the Ithaca College community.


Learn how to create an account to submit your memory into the archive. While we will focus on written memories for this workshop, the community can deposit photographs and audio-visual recordings in a variety of formats. If you prefer, you can bring a photograph or short video to post. We’ll spend a half an hour writing together. Finished writing can be submitted immediately or deposited in the future. Consider bringing along your draft. We are not able to accept Zoom or other recordings of classes or medical information. The Digital Commons Administrator will determine the suitability of your submission for this collection. You will be notified within a few days of the decision. If you would prefer to submit a piece in an analog format (ex. a print out) to the archives, email it to archives@ithaca.edu to arrange a deposit. If you are not able to attend, instructions on how to deposit items are available on the Digital Commons – Ithaca College Library guide: https://libguides.ithaca.edu/digital_commons/History

The program may not take up the entire hour.
