1) Submit your Registration Request Application:
- The Spring 2025 registration application is now closed as we finish processing submitted applications.
- The Summer 2025 registration application will open approximately April 15. Please check back here for the link. *Note: The date was previously for March 24 but has been moved. Sorry for any inconvenience or confusion. If you already have an IC email address, please submit this application using that. If you don't have an IC email address yet, then please use your personal email address.
- Please view this webpage for all fee related information.
2) Collect any required faculty or graduate program chair approvals via email and forward approvals to oes@ithaca.edu. Audits require approval of the course instructor. Approvals are also required for all prerequisite waivers and capacity overrides.
NOTE: Non-degree students don't have access to the "waitlist system" in HomerConnect, so overrides must be discussed and approved with the instructor via email.
3) Registrations for non-degree students are processed starting two days before the first day of classes for the fall and spring semesters; for summer and winter sessions, registration is processed as soon as the required approvals are obtained.
4) Once you are registered you will begin the process of activating your Ithaca College accounts. If you do not currently have active Ithaca College credentials, you can expect an email from the IT Service Desk within the next couple of days. Please closely follow the instructions to access Ithaca College’s computerized systems, including activation of your IC credentials, which provides access to your course schedule, an ithaca.edu email account, your bill, and Canvas (Ithaca College's online course system). If you have questions about receiving your activation email, please contact the IT Service Desk via email at servicedesk@ithaca.edu. Note: It can take 48 hours for these offices to sync accounts and access across all IC platforms.
5) If you plan to register, complete and submit an immunization form, which is available from the Ithaca College's Health Center. (See downloadable form "Immunization Form for Providers".) Please view the COVID Health & Safety webpage for Ithaca College's updated Covid-19 information.
6) Be sure to stop by the ID Office, where photo ID cards are created. They are located at the Print Shop/Mail Room Lobby in the Public Safety and General Services building on Farm Pond Rd. The card allows you to register a vehicle to park on campus, check books out of the library, use computer equipment, and be admitted to athletic events and recreational facilities. There is no charge for an Ithaca College ID card.