Academic Policies Committee

The charge of the Academic Policies Committee (APC) is to review, maintain, and improve policies and procedures affecting academic policy and curriculum at Ithaca College. The committee is divided into the following subcommittees, Curriculum, Policy, and Assessment.

Academic Policies Subcommittees

APC Curriculum (APC-C)

APC-C is responsible for reviewing all curricular revisions including changes in current programs, submission of new programs, revisions of existing courses, and submission of new courses. The following page includes submission deadlines, Courseleaf links, resources for preparing and submitting curriculum revisions, etc. 

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APC Policy (APC-P)

APC-P is responsible for creating, maintaining, and improving mechanisms for facilitating academic operations that ensure quality higher education at Ithaca College. The following page includes the policy proposal form, policy proposal tracker, and an updated list of approved policies. 

More Information
APC Assessment (APC-A)

APC-A has three broad areas of responsibility: annual learning outcome (SLO) assessment process for academic affairs, periodic program review, and assessment of the core curriculum (ICC). 

More Information

APC 2024-2025 Membership

TBD, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Ryan Dickson, Policy Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Chrystyna Dali, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2026

Rachel Madsen, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2027

Hormoz Movassaghi, Policy Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2027

Eren Akdur, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Brad Rappa, Policy Subcommittee Chair, term expires Spring 2026

Brad Lewter, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Nick Sagan, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Lynne Hewitt, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2026

Carly Jo Hosbach-Cannon, Policy Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Kimberly Wilkinson, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2027

Joash Geteregechi, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires 2025

Luke Keller, Policy Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2026

Anna Larsen, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2026

Carly Jo Hosbach-Cannon, Term Expires 2024-2025 (1 year)

Jack Bryant, Curriculum Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2025

Angela Branneman, Assessment Subcommittee, term expires Spring 2027 - Interim Rep for Fall 2024: Toby Dragon 

Tatiana Patrone, Policy Subcommittee, (Spring 2025 appointment)

Alexis Arias, School of Business Senator, Assessment Subcommittee

TBD ,(Ex-Officio), V.P. of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Subcommittee

Giulia Gennari, School of HSHP Senator, Policy Subcommittee

Lili Chalfant, School of Communications Senator, Assessment Subcommittee

Lori Armstrong, School of Humanities & Sciences Senator, Curriculum Subcommittee

Evan Wasserman, School of Music, Policy Subcommittee

Amy Falkner, Dean, Roy H. Park School of Communications

Christina Moylan, Dean, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

Steve TenEyck and Luis Loubriel, Interim Deans, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Michael Johnson-Cramer, Dean, School of Business

Claire Gleitman, Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences 

Dawn Kline, Associate DeanSchool Business

Rob Gearhart, Associate Dean, School of Communications

David Brown, Senior Associate Dean, Curriculum and Undergraduate Programs, School of Humanities and Sciences

Jana Waller, Associate DeanSchool of Health Sciences and Human Performance

Luis Loubriel, Interim Dean, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, serves on APC for AY245

Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost for Academic Programs

Brendan Murday, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

Mai An Rumney, Academic Affairs Assessment and Accreditation Manager

Chrystyna Dail, ICC Director

Michelle Millet, College Librarian

Vikki Levine, Registrar

Sarah Gamarra, Assistant Registrar

TBD, V.P. of Academics / SGA

Support Staff: Zaira Sylvain, Office of the Provost

Academic Policies Committee Meeting Resources

Information regarding the APC meeting schedule, Courseleaf, and curricular agendas to be reviewed by the Academic Policies Committee can be found below. 

file-outline APC Meeting Calendar - 2024-25_apc-calendar.pdf (193.61 KB)
Peggy Ryan Williams Center - Home of Provost Office
Helpful APC Agenda Resources

Preview curriculum proposals up for review/approval by APC via the newly launched Running Curriculum Agenda (VIEW ONLY ACCESS) (see viewing instructions guide below). 

2024-2025 Running Curriculum Agenda 

The agenda serves as a record of both voted items (curriculum log) and informational items (notifications).

Running Curriculum Agenda - Viewing Guide
Online Curriculum Inventory Links

CIM Program Proposals - Faculty/Admin use only

CIM Course Proposals - Faculty/Admin use only

CIM Miscellaneous Request - Faculty/Admin use only

*For instructions on how to navigate CIM, please consult the office of the registrar's Course Leaf technical guides for faculty.

Courseleaf Dashboard for viewing and approving proposals in workflow.


Please contact your school's APC representative, APC Committee Chairs, Associate Dean, and/or APC directly via email