Preparing to Live Off-Campus

When you rent housing, you are entering into a contract with more people than just your landlord; you are entering into a social contract with your neighbors. Antagonism with those living nearby can be time-consuming and a source of aggravation for all concerned. Considerate and courteous behavior can lead you into neighborhood friendships that will expand your sphere of experience and enrich your stay in Ithaca. 

Make an effort to meet your neighbors, especially if they are not students. Establishing a pleasant relationship early will help to avoid friction in the future. There's no more secure feeling than knowing you have a neighbor to help you if you've got a problem. Most neighbors are glad to help and sometimes even need help themselves. Living in the neighborhoods surrounding Ithaca College is an experience that you will remember your entire life. Remember to be a good neighbor and your stay in the community will be an enriching one. 

Off-Campus Housing Options

View available listings in the Ithaca area!

Considerations Before Renting

Signing a Lease

The last step in the process of finding a place to live is probably the most important: reading and signing the lease. A lease is a contract conveying the right to possession of real estate to a tenant for a designated length of time and usually for a specified rent. It is crucial that you read the entire lease carefully and understand all its terms and provisions. Many of the problems that can arise in a rental situation can be forestalled by simply understanding what is in the agreement. Remember, anyone 18 years or older who signs a rental contract can be legally bound by its terms. 

Although most landlords in the Ithaca area require a lease, you may be able to rent a place without entering into some form of contract. When you rent housing without a lease, you have the full right of possession and reasonable use of the property, just as you would with a written lease. You are entitled to one month's notice from the landlord that you must vacate the property. In turn, you must give the landlord one month's notice of your intent to leave. If you do not leave as promised, the rent may be increased substantially, or you may be evicted. 

However, remember that memories become vague with time, and disputes may arise over verbal agreements made in the past. Some of the benefits of having a lease agreement are that the rent is usually constant, and the rights and responsibilities of landlord and tenant are clearly defined.

Tips - Before You Sign a Lease

You and a landlord can mutually agree to add to or otherwise change the proposed lease. This is especially important if the landlord promises to make improvements to the property prior to or during the tenancy. Be sure to: 

  • get everything in writing, dated, and signed by both you and the landlord (a written lease may not be legally modified by an oral agreement). 
  • all agreed additions and deletions are in writing and are initialed by both you and the landlord on all copies of the lease. 
  • mark objectionable clauses, and try to have them removed. 
  • list any provisions you would like to add (e.g., listing the specific appliances a landlord indicates will be provided; that the landlord will paint the premises or make modifications before you move in). 
  • if any rules or provisions are part of a separate document, either have these included as part of the lease or obtain a copy for your records. 

  • see an attorney or a tenant advocacy service if the lease is extremely complex, involves large amounts of money, or is for a long time period, such as three or more years. 

  • not sign a lease that has any blank sections. 

  • not agree to a provision to obey rules not yet written. 

  • assume the landlord will enforce every lease provision.