Ithaca College defines Financial Wellness as awareness of and ability to manage current and future financial situations; having the ability to successfully manage financial resources to meet personal needs.
Financial Wellness

Student Campus Resources
Learn more about resources available on campus that help support student's financial wellness.
- Mutual Aid Food Sharing Cabinet: Food pantry open to IC community members to take or donate non-perishable food items and personal care supplies 24/7. Pantry is located outside of Muller Chapel and there are also other locations throughout Tompkins County.
- Prunty's Pantry: The on-campus food pantry is a permanent location on campus which stores food and grocery items, personal care products, household paper products, dairy products, frozen foods, and some fresh produce. Prunty's Pantry at Ithaca College is located in the DeMotte room on the bottom level of the Egbert Hall (Campus Center) building.
- Swipe Out Hunger: Students who would like to secure meal swipes can simply contact Student Financial Services at to receive packages of 15 meal swipes put onto your card. Students can use this resource at any dining location, and "reload" more than once- as needed! You do NOT need to be on a meal plan to receive meal swipes.
- Career Closet: Coordinated through the Center for Career Exploration and Development, this resource provides IC students with access to professional attire that may be needed while participating in professional activities such as interviews, job fairs, and networking events.
- CSTEP and CSTEM: Career, social, academic, financial support for historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged groups who are pursuing professional licensure and careers in mathematics, science, engineering, technology, and health-related STEM fields. CSTEP and CSTEM provides professional development opportunities and many types of support services to participants, allowing for greater academic success at Ithaca College.
- Course Materials Financial Support : Students who need financial support in order to be able to purchase their required course materials can apply for up to $300 of aid. This support comes in the form of course material vouchers that can only be used to purchase textbooks and other required materials via our preferred provider, Akademos.
- Gender Affirming Closet: Located in the LGBT Center, the gender affirming closet is donation-based, completely free, and open to the IC community.
- IT Loaner Program: Program that allows faculty and staff to borrow a wide assortment of equipment, and allows students to rent laptops for free.
- Student Emergency Relief Fund: The Student Emergency Relief Fund was established to provide financial assistance to students who have emergency financial needs. Please keep in mind that this fund is specifically focused on assisting students facing unanticipated and unforeseen expenses that the applicant could not have planned for previously.
- Student Financial Services: Schedule appointments to talk about individual financial concerns and support.
- Scholarship Manager: Search tool to find Ithaca College’s available scholarships and application processes.
Scholarship Opportunities: Check out the variety of scholarship opportunities available to Ithaca College students.
- Financial Avenue: Online program and course based on financial literacy that provides tips on loan repayment, budgeting to students, faculty, staff and alumni
- VITA - Tax Preparation: The on-campus VITA program officially commences in late January and concludes in mid-April. Watch intercom in January for information regarding the income limitations and information about available appointments. Contact VITA at
Employee Campus Resources
Learn more about resources available on campus to support employee's financial wellness.
- Mutual Aid Food Sharing Cabinet: Food pantry open to IC community members to take or donate non-perishable food items and personal care supplies 24/7. Pantry is located outside of Muller Chapel and there are also other locations throughout Tompkins County.
- Prunty's Pantry: The on-campus food pantry is a permanent location on campus which stores food and grocery items, personal care products, household paper products, dairy products, frozen foods, and some fresh produce. Prunty's Pantry at Ithaca College is located in the DeMotte room on the bottom level of the Egbert Hall (Campus Center) building.
- Employee Perks: Campus and community resources that are available for free or reduced cost
- IT Loaner Program: Program that allows faculty and staff to borrow a wide assortment of equipment, and allows students to rent laptops for free.
- LifeMart: LifeMart is one of the largest members-only discount shopping websites. It offers discounts of up to 40 percent on millions of products and services. They provide real savings on real life needs. Child care. Senior care. Tuition. Travel. And all those little things in life that can add up. Groceries. Cell phones. The gym. Eating out. School supplies. Whether you’re planning a major purchase like a car, home or vacation, or just want to save on day-to-day essentials, LifeMart is your lifeline.
- Financial Avenue: Online program and course based on financial literacy that provides tips on loan repayment, budgeting to students, faculty, staff and alumni
- NextGen Legal & Financial Consultations: Access NextGen EAP to utilize your no cost legal and financial consultations. Half-hour legal consultations can be done over the phone or in-person, and can be used for issues such as divorce, custody disputes, and wills. Discounted legal fees are also available if a longer consultation is required. Half-hour financial consultations are provided over the phone and can provide assistance with topics such as debt consolidation, tax questions, student loans, and investments. ID Theft resources are also available
- VITA - Tax Preparation: The on-campus VITA program officially commences in late January and concludes in mid-April. Watch intercom in January for information regarding the income limitations and information about available appointments. Contact VITA at