The ICare Team

Mission Statement:  The ICare Team (Ithaca College Awareness, Response, and Education Team) is a collaborative work group charged with evaluating and providing timely responses to reported student Behaviors of Concern. The ICare Team facilitates the personal and academic success of students, contributes to the safety of the campus community, and enhances student retention.

The ICare Team consists of close campus partners including the Office of ICare and Student Support, the Office of Residential Life and Student Conduct and Community Standards, the Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness, the Office of Public Safety, Title IX, the Deans Office, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, and the Dean of Students. This team meets weekly to review referrals in an effort to support IC students' health and wellness. 

ICare Referral Form

If you're concerned about a student's well-being, please consider submitting an ICare referral:

ICare Referral Form

Please note that ICare referrals are only reviewed during normal business hours and may take up to 3 business days to be reviewed. If your concern is emergent, please contact the Office of Public Safety at (607)274-3333.

Academic Concern Form

If you're concerned about a student's academics, please consider submitting an Academic Alert:

Academic Concern Form

For more information when to submit an ICare Referral vs when to submit an Academic Concern please visit our Differentiating Academic Concerns from ICare Referrals wepage. If you have difficulty submitting an Academic Concern please email

Considering Making an ICare Referral?

The following are just some examples and indicators that a student may be in distress and could benefit from additional support. 

Examples of when an ICare referral may be helpful: 

  • Student is experiencing unmanageable distress related to mental health, family-life, life circumstance, or other 
  • Student exhibits significant changes in mood or daily functioning. 
  • Student becomes increasingly isolated, unkempt, irritable or disconnected. 
  • Student's behavior reflects increased hopelessness or helplessness.  
  • Student expresses thoughts of suicide or other acts of self-harm 
  • Student makes threats or displays aggression directed toward themselves or others. 

Privacy Considerations:

  • ICare and Student Support is NOT a confidential resource, but we are private. We share information on an as needed basis
  • Disclosures by a student about past, current, or future conduct may be referred to the Office of Public Safety based on the College’s obligations to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students and employees.
Office of ICare and Student Support Staff

Rebecca Cogan, LMHC, Director

Emmy LoBrutto, LMSW, Assistant Director

Danni Klein, LMSW, Care Manager

Tahlia Hanna-Martinez, Care Manager

Joelle Albertsman, Program Coordinator

Contact Us

120-124 Towers Concourse
Fax: 607-274-7927

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am-4:00 pm