Committee Charge

The Parking and Traffic Appeals Board is an independent body of faculty, staff, and students who are charged with providing fair and equitable due process for people receiving Ithaca College parking and traffic citations. Board members serve staggering 2 year terms. The Parking and Traffic Appeals Board is responsible for interpretation of the rules, but does not make rules and regulations. Appeals must be submitted within 10 days of the date of the citation online. The committee meets regularly to review appeals and submits its decisions to Parking Services, who will notify the individual of the Board's decision via email. All decisions are final and confidential. Re-appeals can only be submitted if there is new information or evidence that an appellant wishes the Board to consider. Minutes are shared with Faculty Council, Staff Council, the Student Government Association, and the Dean of Students. This committee reports to the Dean of Students.

Committee Membership

Chairperson appointed by the Dean of Students Kathy Farley, Administrative Assistant, Intercollegiate Athletics (Co-Chair)
Residential Life Staff Member (co-chair) Beth O'Neill, Area Coordinator, Residential Life (Co-Chair)
Student member, designated by the Student Government Association Sam Factor
Student member, designated by the Student Government Association Vacant
Faculty member, designated by Faculty Council David Diggins, Assistant Professor, Exercise and Sport Sciences
Staff member, designated by the Staff Council Laurie Pancoast, Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Communication
Student Affairs and Campus Life staff member appointed by the Dean of Students Brittany Watros, Administrative Assistant, OSEMA
Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management or his/her designee (non-voting, ex-officio) Carl Cohen , Parking Services Supervisor (ex-officio)
Parking Services staff member (non-voting, ex-officio) Amy Shippos, Parking Services Assistant (ex-officio)/Rotation Security Officer Assigned to Parking Services

Meeting times

The Parking and Traffic Appeals Board generally meets weekly. The exact date and time varies each semester based on the availability of the members.