Professional Development

Localist ID

Your Summer Game Plan (SLI/CC)


Trying to figure out what to do this summer? We've all been there! Join IC PACE for an informative and hands-on workshop where we will talk about summer plans and gathering meaning during this unprecedented time. Topics will include summer internships, creative endeavors, and ways to get yourself organized. This program is part of IC Career Service's Day of Summer Planning

Exploratory Peer Ambassador and Leader (PAL) Information Session


Are you a first-year exploratory student? Did you love Exploring the Options? Do you want to connect with other explorers and incoming students? Then come to our informational session!

Peer Ambassadors speak with prospective students at Office of Admission events and connect one-on-one with visiting students to help them learn about what the Exploratory Program can offer. Peer Leaders do this too and they also work with current explorers to help them get the most out of the program and their Ithaca College experience.

Workshop 4: So, You Want to be an IC Alumni? (Life After IC Series)


So, you're going to graduate from IC at some point. What happens next?? Join four of our own staff members who are alumni themselves to discuss what it means to be a Bomber for life. Topics include but are not limited to favorite old Ithaca haunts, best dining halls on campus, and valuable advice for making the most out of your IC experience.

Come with questions for them and your Bomber pride.


Kaylee Collins '06, Associate Director, IC Annual Fund

Jon Gregory '10, Associate Director, Alumni Engagement