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First-Generation Student Celebration Day


In honor of First-Generation Student Celebration Day, Join IC's First-Gen Center and the First-Generation Student Organization in a celebration highlighting the amazing contributions that First-Gen students make to the Ithaca College Community! This event also overlaps with Ithaca College's Family Week so we encourage families & supporters to join us as well!

Who are we?: Understanding the Jewish People and Identity


The foundation of advocacy and allyship is understanding identity. Encouraged for both Jews and non-Jewish allies, this dialogue will unpack and redefine the meaning of Judaism and the idea of a Jewish Identity in the 21st Century.

This is the First Workshop of the Pro-Semitism Series hosted by the Jewish Student Union at Ithaca College

*****This event is strongly encouraged for all IC Community members (Faculty, Staff, AND Students; Jews AND Non-Jews.)

emPOWERment Yoga


Celebrate National Coming Out Day with an emPOWERment Yoga class this Sunday 10/11 @ 3pm! This yoga class will fire up your inner strength as you practice proper posture alignment, flow through demanding yoga sequences designed for all levels. Join us as we dive inwards to explore breath and movement to leave you feeling invigorated and empowered to turn up the volume on the best parts of yourself. Register at recreation.ithaca.edu (Netpass login required)

Exploratory Fall Welcome!

The Exploratory Program Welcomes Explorers to Fall 2020. Come join us on Friday, September 11th from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. We will get to know each other around a virtual campfire. Join us for casual conversation and fun!

When? September 11, 2020

What time? 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Where? Join Zoom Meeting https://ithaca.zoom.us/j/99491918092?pwd=Z1l6Q1k2dXN1Ym5seGZYdThobTJBQT…

Fall 2020 Virtual Student Org. Fair


The Student Organization Fair will be on Wednesday, September 16 from 7 pm - 9 pm, eastern. There will be close to 200 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. By RSVP'ing here, you will receive the link to the Virtual Student Org. Fair page via e-mail the day of the fair! This link will bring you to a list of every student organization who is attending the fair.

T-Minus 120


TNT Radio Productions is hosting a playwriting competition on September 5th. The exciting catch: it’s a rapid 120-minute quick writing challenge. The playwrights only have 120 minutes to write a 10-minute play based on a mystery prompt. The winner will have a short script of theirs (under thirty minutes and hopefully not written in 120 minutes) produced by TNT!