Not sure what you want to study in college? It’s time to explore! In Ithaca College’s distinctive Exploratory Program, you can take classes in a variety of fields, receiving guidance and hands-on experience to find the major that’s right for you. Expert faculty and advisors will work closely with you to develop a personal educational plan so that you maximize opportunities to take courses in academic fields of interest to you (some of which you may not yet know exist!) while staying on track to graduate.
IC’s Exploratory Program also offers special resources to help you create a map for the college experiences you want—including extracurriculars, work, research, internships, and study abroad.
Not Knowing Your Major Isn’t Major

- An experienced faculty advisor helps you identify and match your interests to potential majors and minors and build a semester-by-semester schedule that will challenge, motivate, and inspire you.
- Exploratory events and workshops equip you to identify majors, minors, clubs and organizations, and professions of potential interest.
- Peer leaders have been where you are and inspire you with their unique journeys.
- Exploratory courses help you pursue academic and career interests with intent.
Choose Your Pathway
Dive into the functional areas of business—academically and professionally—in the first-year course World of Business.
Explore the humanities, social sciences, art, mathematics, natural sciences, and computing and how they fit with your career goals
Another one of the main selling points for me of Ithaca College was their Exploratory Program. I remembered one of the leaders saying how she found it ridiculous that there’s so much pressure on young people to choose their careers now, even though they have so much of their lives left. That sentiment really put into words what I was feeling about choosing my major and made me feel safe in my decision to go in ’undecided,’ knowing that they would help me find what I liked and fulfilled me.
Belle Driscoll
Exploratory students account for a significant portion of IC’s incoming class each year, so you’ll have plenty of company.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, nearly one-third of all college students in the country change their majors at least once.
Find a Major or Program
Explore fearlessly! Choose from 70 majors, 70 minors, and interdisciplinary programs, and combine areas of interest to you.