Summer Job in Investigative Unit for NBC6 in Miami

By Devon Jezek, September 16, 2024
Summer Job in Investigative Unit for NBC6 in Miami

Name, Major and Minor, Graduation Year:

Hi, my name isDevon Jezek I am a Documentary Studies and Broadcast Journalism major at the Roy H. Park School of Communication, with a minor in Sociology. I will graduate in the spring of 2025.


Dallas, TX

Why am I a Documentary Studies and Production major?

I am a Documentary Studies and Production major because I am passionate about documentary filmmaking, broadcast journalism, and educating the world through film. I specifically chose Ithaca College for my undergraduate studies because of its world-renowned program, which blends nonfiction filmmaking, journalism, and other academic subjects to create highly educated and worldly storytellers. I am self-driven, passionate about learning, interested in leading others and developing ideas, and want to positively impact the world. The program at Ithaca College has set me up for success and has helped me start to accomplish my goals and aspirations.

Courses in the major that impacted me:

Multiple courses in the major have had a fond impact on me, but one of the most important courses I took was Editing. The editing course has set me up for success during my early career, especially because the news world is changing rapidly and is constantly on the lookout for young, advanced editors with a journalistic background.

Some courses outside of the major that impacted me include History in the News, Jewish Prague (taken abroad), Major Issues in Law and Society (taken abroad), and many of my sociology courses.

What I learned at my internship at NBC6 in Miami:

This summer, I’ve been working in Miami, FL, at NBC6 for the Investigative Unit. I’m currently producing a series that will be published on NBC websites and streamed on Peacock. Some other projects include editing packages, filming, researching, and interviewing. One key takeaway from my internship was how to search government databases, find specific documents on people and companies, and use this information to collect data and move forward with a story.

Something about me beyond my major:

When not editing or working on a project, I can be seen volunteering, playing my guitar, traveling, hanging with friends, meeting new people, or learning new things. I am a world traveler, culturally sensitive, and like to live life to the fullest, so I’m often out of the country, traveling around the United States, or going on epic adventures.