Selecting a Fieldwork Placement

Online Fieldwork Management Platform

Students will be invited by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator (AFWC) to access the Exxat fieldwork management platform to search contracted clinical sites for potential placement. Exxat is an online database of affiliated fieldwork sites within our OT program. Through Exxat, students will share their site preferences, locate site specific information, upload documentation of pre-requisites, and share required materials with the AFWC and site prior to and during the fieldwork experience. It is also used during the fieldwork experience for sharing resources and completing certain learning activities.  

Our fieldwork facilities are located throughout the United States. Not all sites are available at all times because facilities often contract with multiple academic programs and have limited numbers of students they can accept per year. The Office of Experiential Learning works with the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator to establish contracts between the facility and Ithaca College and to update the information on Exxat. Students are responsible for health and other pre-requisite costs, transportation, housing, and personal expenses when completing fieldwork.

Fieldwork Selection Process

The Academic Fieldwork Coordinator will provide information to students via email and cohort meetings for submitting fieldwork site preferences through the wish list feature in Exxat. Students can add sites to their wish list that are within a reasonable commute from Ithaca College campus, from their home location, or any other geographic area where they have secured housing. Student input will be considered in the fieldwork placement confirmation process but requested sites cannot be guaranteed to have availability in the requested timeframe.

The AFWC uses the wish list information to contact sites regarding their availability for specific time frames and then match students to openings. Students are randomly sorted for a virtual "place in line" for each fieldwork experience where a wish list structure of placement is used by the AFWC. In situations of multiple students requesting the same site, the AFWC will refer to a virtual "place in line" list and consider extenuating factors.  

Requesting New Fieldwork Sites

The fieldwork office is continually developing new sites. Students may request exploration of new sites by meeting with the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and providing basic information about the requested site in a manner requested by the AFWC.  The AFWC will review the basic information of the requested site and determine if the process should be continued to pursue an affiliation agreement/contract. If the site is ultimately approved and the affiliation agreement is completed, the specific student will be placed at the site. This process can take a long time and students should plan accordingly with the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator when considering a new site.

Interested in being a fieldwork site?

Rita Daly, Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
321B Smiddy Hall
Ithaca College
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-1798