The School of Humanities and Sciences Academic Status Committee acts on behalf of the faculty and the Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences.
1. Warning: A formal letter notifying students that they have failed to meet the minimum College requirements for acceptable progress in grades, in credits, or in a combination of grades and credits, and that continued deficiencies may lead to suspension or dismissal from the School of Humanities and Sciences. Those minimum requirements are:
- a minimum semester GPA of 2.00;
- a cumulative GPA of 2.00;
- a minimum of 24 credits in an academic year, with a minimum of 12 credits completed at the college each semester.
If a student’s academic performance is seriously deficient, he or she may be suspended without prior warning.
A student with more than one incomplete (I) or withdrawal (W) or combination of Is or Ws will be put on Warning for Credits and minimally Final Warning in the subsequent semester if the pattern of Incompletes and Withdrawals continues.
2. Final Warning: A formal letter notifying students that their academic performance is seriously deficient and they have only one semester to improve their academic standing before suspension. Students may be placed on final warning without prior warnings if deficiencies in their grades and/or credits warrant it. Students given final warning are required:
- to complete at least 12 letter-graded credits with a semester GPA of 2.30 or better;
- to have no Incompletes (I) or Fs; and
- to have no more than one grade below C.
- Other conditions may also be specified in the formal notification.
Students who fail to meet these minimum standards will be suspended.
A student who receives more than one Incomplete (I) or Withdrawal (W) or combination of Is or Ws for a second semester will be placed on Final Warning. A student on Final Warning is required to complete a minimum of 12 graded credits or be subject to suspension.
3. Continuation of Warning: A second formal letter notifying students who have previously been on warning that they continue to be deficient in credits, grades, or a combination of credits and grades. Generally this letter is sent to students who have demonstrated some improvement over the previous semester but have not yet attained the minimum levels required to remove the formal warning. Students continued on warning are required:
- to complete their next semester of enrollment with at least 12 letter-graded credits at a level of 2.00 or better;
- to have no Incompletes (I) or Fs; and
- to have no more than one grade below C.
- Other conditions may also be specified in the formal notification.
Students may be suspended if this level is not attained; in some cases they may be continued on warning for one more semester.
4. Suspension: A formal notice to students that they are suspended from the School of Humanities and Sciences. The length of suspension is specified, and students are informed that they are ineligible to attend courses at the College in fall or spring semesters or summer sessions until a semester specified by the notification letter.
5. Return to College Following Suspension: Students who wish to return after suspension should contact the registrar’s office and complete an application. The specific requirements that must be met prior to readmission are specified in the suspension letter. Students being considered for readmission must present, with an application for readmission, an educational plan outlining the means to complete a successful program of study.
Following return to the College after academic suspension, students are considered to be on final warning. That is, the minimum level of performance specified in the notification of permission to return must be attained or the student will be dismissed. In exceptional cases, the student may be permitted an additional semester of final warning by permission of the Humanities and Sciences Academic Status Committee.
6. Dismissal: Students who do not meet the requirements for academic performance specified upon return from suspension will be dismissed from the College.