Status message

The School of Humanities and Sciences seeks to foster a close relationship between students and faculty in part through a program of mandatory advising.

As part of our effort to support a successful advising process, we provide here information on academic advising as well as a variety of academic policies and requirements that affect students in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

Questions about academic advising can be directed via email to the School of Humanities and Sciences' Dean's Office or by telephone at 607-274-3102.

School of Humanities and Sciences Academic Advising Statement of Purpose

To be successful in college, students must make a series of complex decisions that involve seeking information, reflecting on goals, and making choices. Although students are ultimately responsible for those decisions, the academic advising process remains crucially important in helping students to complete their academic programs, to benefit from a broad-based liberal arts education, and to prepare for a future beyond Ithaca College. In order to assist students in developing and pursing their education and career plans, the advisor will be a knowledgeable and reliable source of support, assistance, and accurate information. The advisor is accessible to students, engages them in on-going conversations about their plans, and responds to their changing needs.