- If you're planning to travel in AY2425, begin by identifying your funding sources. Think of funding sources as falling into two categories: those in H&S (H&S Faculty Travel & Research Fund) and those that are outside H&S (grants, start up funds, CFE awards, and Provost's Office mini-grants). If you're requesting funds within H&S, you'll need to submit a request, which can be done on this Qualtrics form.
- The associate dean of faculty--Raul Palma (RPalma@Ithaca.edu)--evaluates all requests under these parameters: a) The category--is the faculty member disseminating research?; b) the significance of travel/research to the faculty member and the school’s mission; c) compliance with the college’s travel policy. Please note that, while decisions are generally made promptly, they can take up to two weeks.
- Faculty are notified via email when a decision is made, and they are instructed to generate a Spend Authorization in HR Cloud. (Expenses cannot be generated prior to the approval of a Spend Authorization). The faculty member's department admin assist and Maria Haner, the Budget Officer in the Provost's Office, will be cc'd in the communication. It is common practice for the admin assist to generate the spend authorization as delegate on behalf of the faculty member; however, faculty should follow departmental norms.
- Once a Spend Authorization is approved, faculty may use their IC travel card to make purchases; however, be sure that you have reviewed the Ithaca College Travel Policy. There may be certain requirements (such as tax-exemption in certain states) or restrictions (such as expenses that need to be generated through our travel agent, CTP). If you have questions regarding the college travel policy, please contact Sheryl Moore (smoore12@ithaca.edu) in Travel Services.
- As expenses appear in Finance Cloud (or as faculty incur expenses for travel), be sure to reconcile them as soon as possible. It is common practice for the admin to assist faculty; however, faculty should follow departmental norms. Team Dynamix can be helpful here.
Important Note: If you are planning to travel internationally, please review Ithaca College’s International Travel page and follow the Step-By-Step International Travel Checklist to help you prepare for your trip.